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Member Reflections

A Personal Request for Your Help From Dr. Peter Osborne

My son Kane is fighting a serious battle and needs your help. He is taking legal action against Wharton County Junior College and the state of Texas. Why? Because they have denied him access to enroll in college. You see, the Texas governor has declared a state of emergency due to C0VID-19. Because of this

A Personal Request for Your Help From Dr. Peter Osborne Read More »

The V.I.E. Event: An Illuminating Experience

Their heartache was palpable. I knew that as much as they were already suffering, their pain was continually magnified by the marginalization, denial, and even ridicule society has been taught to heap on to those of us who dare speak out about vaccine injuries and deaths. The injustice of this epidemic and the rate at which it tragically continues to grow take my breath away.

The V.I.E. Event: An Illuminating Experience Read More »

TFVC Member’s Senior Thesis Spreads Awareness & Acceptance

Today I’m riding high on hope. This time, truth won. I saw it for myself, and it was glorious! Aubrey Matson presented an impressive senior thesis entitled “The Missing Puzzle Piece: The Correlation Between the MMR Vaccine and Autism” to a large group at her high school. I had never met Aubrey, but Texans for

TFVC Member’s Senior Thesis Spreads Awareness & Acceptance Read More »

Doctor Knows Best, Unless It’s Bad for Business

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” This timeless adage seems to be the mantra for today’s legislators who are financially backed by large pharmaceutical corporations. How unfortunate for the citizens living in these legislators’ districts. A recent editorial published in the AAP’s journal Pediatrics written by Senator Richard Pan (California) and a UC

Doctor Knows Best, Unless It’s Bad for Business Read More »

Top Ten Reasons to Become A Member of Texans For Vaccine Choice!

1. We Are the Epicenter Texas is known nationwide as the central battleground for the vaccine choice movement. They were able to take California, and have now set their eyes on Texas. TFVC has worked hard to lay a solid foundation & build the proper structure – we are a 501c3, a 501c4, and a registered

Top Ten Reasons to Become A Member of Texans For Vaccine Choice! Read More »

Sticks and Stones: The Truth behind Pharma’s “Anti-Vax” Name Calling Tactics

Today the terms ‘Anti-Vaccine,’ ‘Anti-Vax’ and ‘Anti-Vaxxer’ are all commonly used labels in the media when discussing anything related to vaccine safety concerns. A simple history lesson would remind us the terms ‘Pro-this’ and ‘Anti-that’ can be used to create and perpetuate the polarizing of sides of any issue. But let’s delve a little deeper

Sticks and Stones: The Truth behind Pharma’s “Anti-Vax” Name Calling Tactics Read More »

Historic Vaccine Laws Affecting You and Your Rights – Part Two: The 2003 Exemption Law and the Rights We Will Fight to Keep

In his novel Timeline, Michael Crichton writes, “… if you didn’t know history, you didn’t know anything. You were a leaf that didn’t know it was part of a tree.” It is important to understand the history of vaccine choice in Texas so that we understand the context of where we are now and the

Historic Vaccine Laws Affecting You and Your Rights – Part Two: The 2003 Exemption Law and the Rights We Will Fight to Keep Read More »

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