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Legislator Spotlight

Representative Gene Wu Wishes COVID Related Deaths on Republicans

Tyranny squad member Gene Wu took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to suggest that he is fine with COVID related deaths, so long as they disproportionately happen to Republicans.  In his disgusting X tirade, Wu cites weak surveys alleging that “red” counties had more COViD deaths than “blue” because of a distrust in the […]

Representative Gene Wu Wishes COVID Related Deaths on Republicans Read More »

Texas GOP Chairman Matt Rinaldi Weighs in on Vaccine Mandates

In a recent statement, Texas GOP Chairman Matt Rinaldi, a prominent voice advocating for medical liberty, shed light on a disheartening reality: individuals in Texas can still face termination for choosing not to receive the COVID vaccine.  “Right now you can still be fired in Texas for refusing a COVID vaccine,” said Rinaldi. “The Texas

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Medical Liberty Champion of the Week: Senator Lois Kolkhorst

Lois Kolkhorst has been one of if not our strongest Medical Liberty Champion. The Brenham-based senator has stood tall for our Medical Liberties her whole career, while recently fighting to create a Texas specific VAERS style reporting system. Read more about her work so far this session: SB 1024 SB 1025

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Valentine’s Day: Send Love to Our Medical Liberty Champions

Love is in the air today, especially with so many bills promoting Medical Liberty that have been filed for the Texas Legislative Session! Fighting for Medical Liberty can be challenging, and at times lonely. That’s why we want to encourage you to show some love to our Medical Liberty Champions: HOUSE: Valoree Swanson, Brian Harrison,

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Interesting Ties Between Lawmakers, News Writers, and Medical Industry

From our September 12, 2018 Facebook post: ABC13-Miya Shay, reporter for ABC13 Houston, also known as the wife of Gene Wu for State Representative 137, the representative notoriously known for his beliefs that the state owns your children posing with outspoken proponent of vaccine mandates, Dr. Peter Hotez. Yeah. That one. Do we have your

Interesting Ties Between Lawmakers, News Writers, and Medical Industry Read More »

Fixed That! So, Are We Insignificant Or…?

From our June 1, 2018 Facebook Post: 🔧 FIXED THAT FRIDAY! 🔧 🤷‍♂️ I wonder when they will make up their minds about us? One minute we are an insignificant group of crazy people, and the next we somehow have the power to “bully & intimidate” legislators! 😂😂😂 We thought it would be fun to

Fixed That! So, Are We Insignificant Or…? Read More »

Texas Observer Highlights TFVC 2018 Primary Victory

From our March 21, 2018 Facebook Post: “In February, the moderate-ish Villalba told the Observer the anti-vaxxers were “so insignificant to my campaign … they’re as important to me as the Flat Earth Society.” But he ended up losing his seat by about 6 percentage points — Texans for Vaccine Choice’s biggest win.” 💁‍♀️ Hm.

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Tyranny Tuesday – The Two Sarahs, Part 2

From our February 12, 2018 Facebook Post: ☠TYRANNY TUESDAY☠ How disappointing for WE THE PEOPLE when we put Liberty’s care in the hands of Sarah Davis for State Representative 134 because she claimed not to “want the government in our bedrooms, IN OUR DOCTORS’ OFFICES, or in our wallets”, and then we watch her crumble

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Tyranny Tuesday – The Two Sarahs

From our February 6, 2018 Facebook Post: 😡 TYRANNY TUESDAY 😡 💁‍♀️Sarah Davis on the campaign trail: ✅ Personal freedom ✅ Personal responsibility ✅ Believes you know how to make the best decisions for your life ✅ No Nanny State! 🤦‍♀️Sarah Davis in Austin: 🚫 Government > the individual 🚫 Government is responsible for the

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Tyranny Tuesday – Rep. Sarah Davis Sponsored by Big Pharma

From our January 23, 2018 Facebook Post: 😈 TYRANNY TUESDAY 😈 💰💰 Rep. Sarah Davis’ most recent financial report shows nearly $40,000 coming from big pharmaceutical companies, medical PACs, hospitals, and doctors (and that’s just the obvious ones!) between the months of July 2017 and December 2017. 😱 What does this mean? It means the

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Tyranny Tuesday – Rep. Sarah Davis’ Odd View of Morality

From our January 23, 2018 Facebook Post: 😈 TYRANNY TUESDAY 😈 🚫 Sarah Davis’ morals are incompatible with liberty, as she believes it IMMORAL for the STATE not to intervene in the healthcare decisions made for minors. #tfvc #allin #fundthefight #tyrannytuesday #parentscalltheshots #thechoiceshouldbeyours

Tyranny Tuesday – Rep. Sarah Davis’ Odd View of Morality Read More »

Tyranny Tuesday – Rep. Sarah Davis Wants to Force Gardasil on Foster Children

From our January 16, 2018 Facebook Post: 🤷‍♂️ Wonder what happened to Sarah Davis for State Representative 134? 😡 Sadly, it only took a few short years and a few hundred thousand pharma dollars for her tune to change from liberty to TYRANNY. 🙌 Thankfully, we have a chance for CHANGE! Block walks for Susanna

Tyranny Tuesday – Rep. Sarah Davis Wants to Force Gardasil on Foster Children Read More »

Sarah Davis: The Tea Party’s Mad Hatter

“A confused muddled mess”: A phrase which could be used to describe the unpredictable and unstable Mad Hatter from the long-loved story of Alice in Wonderland, has actually been applied to House District 134’s very own Sarah Davis. Elected in 2010 on her very conservative Tea Party platform, she seems to have become a bit

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