Valentine’s Day: Send Love to Our Medical Liberty Champions

Love is in the air today, especially with so many bills promoting Medical Liberty that have been filed for the Texas Legislative Session!

Fighting for Medical Liberty can be challenging, and at times lonely. That’s why we want to encourage you to show some love to our Medical Liberty Champions:


Valoree Swanson, Brian Harrison, Steve Toth, Cody Vasut, Candy Noble, Dustin Burrows


Charles Perry, Bob Hall, Drew Springer

Feel free to download this graphic and either email to any or all of the above champions, or print, sign, and hand deliver it during our upcoming Citizen Engagement Day at the Capitol!

2 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day: Send Love to Our Medical Liberty Champions”

    1. Happy Valentine’s Day and free choice for vaccines and all medical pr0cedures to for each person to decide not others to decide who is trying to make lots money from our health and or people trying to move up in there job due to my health good or bad or not so good and or from peoples trying to elected on my health or choices ECT freedom of choice to each person and parents to choose for kids

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