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Historic Vaccine Laws Affecting You and Your Rights – Part Two: The 2003 Exemption Law and the Rights We Will Fight to Keep

In his novel Timeline, Michael Crichton writes, “… if you didn’t know history, you didn’t know anything. You were a leaf that didn’t know it was part of a tree.” It is important to understand the history of vaccine choice in Texas so that we understand the context of where we are now and the […]

Historic Vaccine Laws Affecting You and Your Rights – Part Two: The 2003 Exemption Law and the Rights We Will Fight to Keep Read More »

Historic Vaccine Laws Affecting You and Your Rights – Part One: The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

My family’s research into vaccine safety began only because it had to. After our perfectly healthy twin sons became severely ill, and ultimately neurologically disabled following their routine childhood vaccines, we set out to find answers. Like so many, I had blindly trusted that anything approved by the FDA, and recommended by the CDC and

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The REAL Reasons Mumps Is Newsworthy

There’s a lot of talk about mumps lately. With several reported outbreaks this year and recent cases turning up in Texas, the media is all a-buzz with breaking-news headlines and maps pinpointing where cases are suspected – tactics used to create grave concern. Clearly the media’s message is that some people having mumps is newsworthy

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Private School Parents are Keeping Austin Healthy – By Making Thoughtful Vaccine Decisions

“Cool free-thinkers in Texas are doing their part to “keep Austin weird” by promoting conditions that could lead to deadly outbreaks of funky retro diseases.” Ho-hum, here we go again. Slate contributor Ruth Graham took a turn with the same tired euphemisms to attack parents who have made a thoughtful decision to selectively, delay, or

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Inappropriate and Unethical

“The AAP views nonmedical exemptions to school-required immunizations as inappropriate for individual, public health, and ethical reasons and advocates for their elimination.” Well, let me be “inappropriate and unethical” because much is at stake if I am not. The American Academy of Pediatrics is calling war on personal liberties, but they don’t advertise the carnage

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