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Vaccine Safety & Efficacy

Merck Manual 1992 vs. Merk Manual 2018

From our July 23, 2018 Facebook Post: 👇Below are excerpts from two different versions of the Merck Manual (a physician’s desk reference written & published by Merck) — one from 1992 & the other from 2018. 🤔They show a dramatic shift in the attitude towards vaccine safety, efficacy, & adverse event reporting. The early version […]

Merck Manual 1992 vs. Merk Manual 2018 Read More »

ICAN & RFK, Jr. Call Out DHHS for Vaccine Safety Violations

From our July 18, 2018 Facebook Post: The world of vaccine safety was recently rocked by the announcement of a lawsuit brought by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. against the Department of Health and Human Services for violating the Mandate for Safer Childhood Vaccines clause of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. Read the

ICAN & RFK, Jr. Call Out DHHS for Vaccine Safety Violations Read More »

NPR – Polio Vaccine Causing More Paralysis Than Wild Polio

From our July 9, 2018 Facebook Post: Highlights: – “For the first time, the number of children paralyzed by mutant strains of the polio vaccine are greater than the number of children paralyzed by polio itself.” – Health officials know and accept the fact that the live oral polio vaccine used in third world countries

NPR – Polio Vaccine Causing More Paralysis Than Wild Polio Read More »

NC Whooping Cough Outbreak, 79 Cases All Fully Vaccinated

From our July 6, 2018 Facebook Post: 79 cases of whooping cough in North Carolina this year. “Every case that we’ve had, that we’ve seen so far, has been vaccinated. So you can’t take for granted that just because your child’s been vaccinated for pertussis that they don’t have the capability of contracting it.” -Kim

NC Whooping Cough Outbreak, 79 Cases All Fully Vaccinated Read More »

CNN – Oral Polio Vaccine is Causing Outbreaks Around the World

From our June 28, 2018 Facebook Post: “WHO also determined that the strain of poliovirus detected in the children — ❗️vaccine-derived poliovirus type 1❗️– is circulating in the community… The National Department of Health of Papua New Guinea has been working with WHO and other partners in launching a response to the outbreak, which includes

CNN – Oral Polio Vaccine is Causing Outbreaks Around the World Read More »

Baby Alfie Evans a Victim of “Children’s Rights” Mentality

From our April 29, 2018 Facebook Post: “I am grateful for the medical and chaplaincy care which Alfie is receiving…I know that our medical and legal systems in the UK are also based on compassion and the safeguarding of the RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL CHILD.” Liverpool Archbishop Malcom McMahon has been outspoken in his support

Baby Alfie Evans a Victim of “Children’s Rights” Mentality Read More »

ACIP’s Disgraceful Vote on New Hep B Vaccine

From our March 19, 2018 Facebook Post: 📺 The following clip is from a recent ACIP meeting where they voted to approve a new Hepatitis B vaccine. This vaccine contains a new adjuvant (substance intended to stimulate an immune response) – Cytosine phosphoguanine (CpG) 1018 – that is not used in any other vaccine licensed

ACIP’s Disgraceful Vote on New Hep B Vaccine Read More »

Pertussis Fast Facts

From our March 22, 2018 Facebook Post: 🤥The opposition says: “We must close the conscientious exemption ‘loophole’ (🙄) in order to prevent outbreaks of ‘vaccine-preventable diseases’!” 📉The FACTS say: Texas cycles between about 1,000 and about 3,000+ cases of pertussis (whooping cough) per year. – 2013 was the most recent “outbreak” year for our state:

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Gardasil Fast Facts in Response to Cook Children’s Article

From our December 7, 2017 Facebook Post: Being the HUGE fans of informed consent that we are, we just couldn’t let Cook Children’s fear-inducing inaccuracies and half-truths skate by unchecked. We value your right to choose, and strongly desire that you be FULLY informed. In that spirit, we present to you Cook Children’s vs. HPV

Gardasil Fast Facts in Response to Cook Children’s Article Read More »

BMJ Reports Vaccine Safety Science is Bought & Paid For By Big Pharma

From our November 8, 2017 Facebook Post: ⚠️ GAME CHANGER!! ⚠️ ⚡SHOCKING NEW ARTICLE⚡ from the British Medical Journal exposes the corrupt ties between these “independent” non-profit vaccine advocacy organizations: ☠The American Academy of Pediatrics ☠The Immunization Action Coalition ☠ Every Child By Two and not only the CDC, but vaccine manufacturers as well. Your

BMJ Reports Vaccine Safety Science is Bought & Paid For By Big Pharma Read More »

2017 – ACIP Votes to Recommend Third Dose of MMR During Mumps Outbreaks

From our November 1, 2017 Facebook Post: The ACIP voted last week to recommend the use of a third “booster” shot of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine during outbreaks of the mumps. Let’s get some fact straight about mumps and this new recommendation: 🔴 Dr. Manisha Patel, a medical officer at the CDC,

2017 – ACIP Votes to Recommend Third Dose of MMR During Mumps Outbreaks Read More »

Resurgence of Whooping Cough Due to Vaccine Failure

From our September 25, 2017 Facebook Post: “Instead we layered assumptions upon assumptions, and now find ourselves in the uncomfortable position of admitting that we may have made some crucial errors. This is definitely not where we thought we’d be in 2017.” Wait! You mean it’s not the “anti-vaxxers” after all? 🙄(do you feel the

Resurgence of Whooping Cough Due to Vaccine Failure Read More »

Vaccine Adverse Reactions Account for Large Percentage of Emergency Room Visits According to Study

From our September 11, 2017 Facebook Post: 📊 A study analyzing Adverse Drug Events (ADE) resulting in a trip to the emergency room found that vaccines account for 19.5% of ADEs in children five years old and under. 🤔 Let that sink in. The one product that is supposedly risk-free, that they want you to

Vaccine Adverse Reactions Account for Large Percentage of Emergency Room Visits According to Study Read More »

“Research Used to Justify Mandatory Flu Shots is Flawed”

From our January 28, 2017 Facebook Post: It looks like people are waking up to vaccine CHOICE – as it should be!!! “The study, published Friday in PLOS One, concludes that the research used to justify mandatory flu shots for health sector workers is flawed, and that the policies cannot plausibly produce the benefits that

“Research Used to Justify Mandatory Flu Shots is Flawed” Read More »

Huffington Post Tackles Vaccine Science

From our January 25, 2017 Facebook Post: “It is not surprising mainstream scientists are vaccine absolutists who vilify anti-vaccine activists given that their medical centers, hospital wings, universities and sometimes personal paychecks are funded by Pharma. What is surprisingly is that progressive news sites that challenge government pronouncements on every other level also vilify anti-vaccine

Huffington Post Tackles Vaccine Science Read More »

Historic Vaccine Laws Affecting You and Your Rights – Part One: The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

My family’s research into vaccine safety began only because it had to. After our perfectly healthy twin sons became severely ill, and ultimately neurologically disabled following their routine childhood vaccines, we set out to find answers. Like so many, I had blindly trusted that anything approved by the FDA, and recommended by the CDC and

Historic Vaccine Laws Affecting You and Your Rights – Part One: The 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act Read More »

The REAL Reasons Mumps Is Newsworthy

There’s a lot of talk about mumps lately. With several reported outbreaks this year and recent cases turning up in Texas, the media is all a-buzz with breaking-news headlines and maps pinpointing where cases are suspected – tactics used to create grave concern. Clearly the media’s message is that some people having mumps is newsworthy

The REAL Reasons Mumps Is Newsworthy Read More »

Private School Parents are Keeping Austin Healthy – By Making Thoughtful Vaccine Decisions

“Cool free-thinkers in Texas are doing their part to “keep Austin weird” by promoting conditions that could lead to deadly outbreaks of funky retro diseases.” Ho-hum, here we go again. Slate contributor Ruth Graham took a turn with the same tired euphemisms to attack parents who have made a thoughtful decision to selectively, delay, or

Private School Parents are Keeping Austin Healthy – By Making Thoughtful Vaccine Decisions Read More »

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