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Tyranny Tuesday – Rep. Sarah Davis Sponsored by Big Pharma

From our January 23, 2018 Facebook Post: 😈 TYRANNY TUESDAY 😈 💰💰 Rep. Sarah Davis’ most recent financial report shows nearly $40,000 coming from big pharmaceutical companies, medical PACs, hospitals, and doctors (and that’s just the obvious ones!) between the months of July 2017 and December 2017. 😱 What does this mean? It means the […]

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Tyranny Tuesday – Rep. Sarah Davis’ Odd View of Morality

From our January 23, 2018 Facebook Post: 😈 TYRANNY TUESDAY 😈 🚫 Sarah Davis’ morals are incompatible with liberty, as she believes it IMMORAL for the STATE not to intervene in the healthcare decisions made for minors. #tfvc #allin #fundthefight #tyrannytuesday #parentscalltheshots #thechoiceshouldbeyours

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Tyranny Tuesday – Rep. Sarah Davis Wants to Force Gardasil on Foster Children

From our January 16, 2018 Facebook Post: 🤷‍♂️ Wonder what happened to Sarah Davis for State Representative 134? 😡 Sadly, it only took a few short years and a few hundred thousand pharma dollars for her tune to change from liberty to TYRANNY. 🙌 Thankfully, we have a chance for CHANGE! Block walks for Susanna

Tyranny Tuesday – Rep. Sarah Davis Wants to Force Gardasil on Foster Children Read More »

Gardasil Fast Facts in Response to Cook Children’s Article

From our December 7, 2017 Facebook Post: Being the HUGE fans of informed consent that we are, we just couldn’t let Cook Children’s fear-inducing inaccuracies and half-truths skate by unchecked. We value your right to choose, and strongly desire that you be FULLY informed. In that spirit, we present to you Cook Children’s vs. HPV

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BMJ Reports Vaccine Safety Science is Bought & Paid For By Big Pharma

From our November 8, 2017 Facebook Post: ⚠️ GAME CHANGER!! ⚠️ ⚡SHOCKING NEW ARTICLE⚡ from the British Medical Journal exposes the corrupt ties between these “independent” non-profit vaccine advocacy organizations: ☠The American Academy of Pediatrics ☠The Immunization Action Coalition ☠ Every Child By Two and not only the CDC, but vaccine manufacturers as well. Your

BMJ Reports Vaccine Safety Science is Bought & Paid For By Big Pharma Read More »

2017 – ACIP Votes to Recommend Third Dose of MMR During Mumps Outbreaks

From our November 1, 2017 Facebook Post: The ACIP voted last week to recommend the use of a third “booster” shot of the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine during outbreaks of the mumps. Let’s get some fact straight about mumps and this new recommendation: 🔴 Dr. Manisha Patel, a medical officer at the CDC,

2017 – ACIP Votes to Recommend Third Dose of MMR During Mumps Outbreaks Read More »

Resurgence of Whooping Cough Due to Vaccine Failure

From our September 25, 2017 Facebook Post: “Instead we layered assumptions upon assumptions, and now find ourselves in the uncomfortable position of admitting that we may have made some crucial errors. This is definitely not where we thought we’d be in 2017.” Wait! You mean it’s not the “anti-vaxxers” after all? 🙄(do you feel the

Resurgence of Whooping Cough Due to Vaccine Failure Read More »

Vaccine Adverse Reactions Account for Large Percentage of Emergency Room Visits According to Study

From our September 11, 2017 Facebook Post: 📊 A study analyzing Adverse Drug Events (ADE) resulting in a trip to the emergency room found that vaccines account for 19.5% of ADEs in children five years old and under. 🤔 Let that sink in. The one product that is supposedly risk-free, that they want you to

Vaccine Adverse Reactions Account for Large Percentage of Emergency Room Visits According to Study Read More »

“Research Used to Justify Mandatory Flu Shots is Flawed”

From our January 28, 2017 Facebook Post: It looks like people are waking up to vaccine CHOICE – as it should be!!! “The study, published Friday in PLOS One, concludes that the research used to justify mandatory flu shots for health sector workers is flawed, and that the policies cannot plausibly produce the benefits that

“Research Used to Justify Mandatory Flu Shots is Flawed” Read More »

Huffington Post Tackles Vaccine Science

From our January 25, 2017 Facebook Post: “It is not surprising mainstream scientists are vaccine absolutists who vilify anti-vaccine activists given that their medical centers, hospital wings, universities and sometimes personal paychecks are funded by Pharma. What is surprisingly is that progressive news sites that challenge government pronouncements on every other level also vilify anti-vaccine

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Top Ten Reasons to Become A Member of Texans For Vaccine Choice!

1. We Are the Epicenter Texas is known nationwide as the central battleground for the vaccine choice movement. They were able to take California, and have now set their eyes on Texas. TFVC has worked hard to lay a solid foundation & build the proper structure – we are a 501c3, a 501c4, and a registered

Top Ten Reasons to Become A Member of Texans For Vaccine Choice! Read More »

Extra Credit for Everyone! Except You.

Calm your nerves, Jackie. Deep Breath. Here we go again. Pound, pound, pound. Yes, the sound of me typing aggressively… errr… passionately maybe? Another day, another outrage. You know, most days even the most egregious atrocities against our movement don’t phase me anymore. Sad, but true. Bullying? Meh. Slander? Meh. Lies about our movement? Like

Extra Credit for Everyone! Except You. Read More »

I Will Fire You as My Provider: A Parent’s Message on Who Calls the Shots (Spoiler Alert: It’s YOU!)

Tisk. Tisk. Here we go again coming across a Facebook tag that has me passionately pounding at my keyboard. I am not one to respond to every article I come across; I just don’t have the time nor energy to do so. Despite the media’s insistence that politics has been a life-long passion of mine

I Will Fire You as My Provider: A Parent’s Message on Who Calls the Shots (Spoiler Alert: It’s YOU!) Read More »

Top Ten Reasons to Support Vaccine Choice

Whether you are following the CDC’s recommended childhood vaccination schedule by getting all of your boosters, following a delayed vaccination schedule carefully planned by you and your doctor, or foregoing vaccinations altogether, Texans for Vaccine Choice supports your right to choose! Here are ten reasons we believe everyone should support vaccine choice: 1. Vaccination is

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Dirty Little $ecrets: Following the Pharma Money Trail

When it comes to your family’s health choices — more specifically, choices affecting the health of your children — what factors do you consider when choosing one course of prevention or treatment over the other? I would imagine the majority of parents very carefully weigh the risks and benefits for the child, the impact a

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