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Dallas Morning News Tries Their Hand at Back To School Fear Mongering

From our August 7, 2018 Facebook Post: 1️⃣️ 2017-2018 Average Vaccination Rates Among Texas Kindergarteners & 7th Graders: DTaP/Tdap – 96.8% MMR – 98% Polio – 97.9% “For some diseases, herd immunity may begin to be induced with as little as 40% of the population vaccinated. More commonly, and depending on the contagiousness of the […]

Dallas Morning News Tries Their Hand at Back To School Fear Mongering Read More »

ImmTrac2 Action Alert: Added Without Your Consent? FILE A REPORT!

From our July 31, 2018 Facebook Post: ⚠️ImmTrac Immunization Registry Action Alert & Consumer Warning! 🚨ACTION ALERT🚨 If you or your child has been added to the ImmTrac system WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT or DSHS has failed to remove your records after you request they do so, please file a complaint with the Department

ImmTrac2 Action Alert: Added Without Your Consent? FILE A REPORT! Read More »

KRLD Radio Interview with TFVC Executive Director Jackie Schlegel

From our July 27, 2018 Facebook Post: 💯 “At the end of the day, you are responsible for you and your child and any risk and benefits,” says Schlegel. “And you are best equipped to make those medical decisions for yourself.” Article: KRLD FB Post: #informedconsent #medicalprivacy #vaccinechoice #tfvc #parentscalltheshots #thechoiceshouldbeyours

KRLD Radio Interview with TFVC Executive Director Jackie Schlegel Read More »

2018 Exemption Numbers Are In & the Fear Mongering Begins!

From our July 20, 2018 Post: 💣 Truth Bomb Time! 💣 💯 FACTS > FEAR MONGERING 2017-2018 exemption numbers are in & – judging by the opposition’s reaction – we are all facing imminent death! 🙄 From the article linked below: “These new numbers have doctors worried…Dr. Avila Edwards says diseases she thought they turned

2018 Exemption Numbers Are In & the Fear Mongering Begins! Read More »

ICAN & RFK, Jr. Call Out DHHS for Vaccine Safety Violations

From our July 18, 2018 Facebook Post: The world of vaccine safety was recently rocked by the announcement of a lawsuit brought by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. against the Department of Health and Human Services for violating the Mandate for Safer Childhood Vaccines clause of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. Read the

ICAN & RFK, Jr. Call Out DHHS for Vaccine Safety Violations Read More »

NPR – Polio Vaccine Causing More Paralysis Than Wild Polio

From our July 9, 2018 Facebook Post: Highlights: – “For the first time, the number of children paralyzed by mutant strains of the polio vaccine are greater than the number of children paralyzed by polio itself.” – Health officials know and accept the fact that the live oral polio vaccine used in third world countries

NPR – Polio Vaccine Causing More Paralysis Than Wild Polio Read More »

NC Whooping Cough Outbreak, 79 Cases All Fully Vaccinated

From our July 6, 2018 Facebook Post: 79 cases of whooping cough in North Carolina this year. “Every case that we’ve had, that we’ve seen so far, has been vaccinated. So you can’t take for granted that just because your child’s been vaccinated for pertussis that they don’t have the capability of contracting it.” -Kim

NC Whooping Cough Outbreak, 79 Cases All Fully Vaccinated Read More »

CNN – Oral Polio Vaccine is Causing Outbreaks Around the World

From our June 28, 2018 Facebook Post: “WHO also determined that the strain of poliovirus detected in the children — ❗️vaccine-derived poliovirus type 1❗️– is circulating in the community… The National Department of Health of Papua New Guinea has been working with WHO and other partners in launching a response to the outbreak, which includes

CNN – Oral Polio Vaccine is Causing Outbreaks Around the World Read More »

Tyranny Tuesday – Who Is Stealing Your Information & ILLEGALLY Tracking You In ImmTrac2?

From our June 12, 2018 Facebook Post: ☠TYRANNY TUESDAY☠ “Welcome to ImmTrac2, the Texas Immunization Registry! Our records show that your written consent form for ImmTrac2 participation was GRANTED!” It’s your lucky day! WAIT A MINUTE — YOU DIDN’T GIVE WRITTEN CONSENT FOR IMMTRAC2 AND YOU OR YOUR CHILD WERE ADDED ANYWAY? 🤷‍♀️ Well, surely

Tyranny Tuesday – Who Is Stealing Your Information & ILLEGALLY Tracking You In ImmTrac2? Read More »

Fixed That! So, Are We Insignificant Or…?

From our June 1, 2018 Facebook Post: 🔧 FIXED THAT FRIDAY! 🔧 🤷‍♂️ I wonder when they will make up their minds about us? One minute we are an insignificant group of crazy people, and the next we somehow have the power to “bully & intimidate” legislators! 😂😂😂 We thought it would be fun to

Fixed That! So, Are We Insignificant Or…? Read More »

Tyranny Tuesday – Dangers of Children’s Rights Legislation

From our May 1, 2018 Facebook Post: 😡TYRANNY TUESDAY😡 Wondering how to avoid a tragic medical kidnapping scenario like the one we have just witnessed in the UK? ☠️ After California Senator Richard Pan’s mandatory vaccination bill passed (remember, he promised, “I’ll help your state pass this, too”), he set out to pass SB 18

Tyranny Tuesday – Dangers of Children’s Rights Legislation Read More »

Baby Alfie Evans a Victim of “Children’s Rights” Mentality

From our April 29, 2018 Facebook Post: “I am grateful for the medical and chaplaincy care which Alfie is receiving…I know that our medical and legal systems in the UK are also based on compassion and the safeguarding of the RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL CHILD.” Liverpool Archbishop Malcom McMahon has been outspoken in his support

Baby Alfie Evans a Victim of “Children’s Rights” Mentality Read More »

Fixed That! Opposition Confused by Exemption Legislation

From our April 13, 2018 Facebook Post: 😉FIXED THAT FRIDAY!😉 All of us at Texans for Vaccine Choice just ❤️LOVE❤️ truth! So why not have a whole day dedicated to correcting all of the misinformation coming from the opposition? We’re calling it “Fixed That Friday”! 👉 First up, a recent post by the opposition with

Fixed That! Opposition Confused by Exemption Legislation Read More »

ACIP’s Disgraceful Vote on New Hep B Vaccine

From our March 19, 2018 Facebook Post: 📺 The following clip is from a recent ACIP meeting where they voted to approve a new Hepatitis B vaccine. This vaccine contains a new adjuvant (substance intended to stimulate an immune response) – Cytosine phosphoguanine (CpG) 1018 – that is not used in any other vaccine licensed

ACIP’s Disgraceful Vote on New Hep B Vaccine Read More »

Tyranny Tuesday – “Don’t Ask, Just Give It!”

From our March 20, 2018 Facebook Post: 😡TYRANNY TUESDAY😡 ☠️ The footage below is from a 2016 panel discussion that took place in New York titled “Achieving Childhood Vaccination Success in the U.S.” 🙊 The panel features several recognizable names that I’m not going to dignify with a mention here, but you are welcome to

Tyranny Tuesday – “Don’t Ask, Just Give It!” Read More »

Pertussis Fast Facts

From our March 22, 2018 Facebook Post: 🤥The opposition says: “We must close the conscientious exemption ‘loophole’ (🙄) in order to prevent outbreaks of ‘vaccine-preventable diseases’!” 📉The FACTS say: Texas cycles between about 1,000 and about 3,000+ cases of pertussis (whooping cough) per year. – 2013 was the most recent “outbreak” year for our state:

Pertussis Fast Facts Read More »

Tyranny Tuesday – The Two Sarahs, Part 2

From our February 12, 2018 Facebook Post: ☠TYRANNY TUESDAY☠ How disappointing for WE THE PEOPLE when we put Liberty’s care in the hands of Sarah Davis for State Representative 134 because she claimed not to “want the government in our bedrooms, IN OUR DOCTORS’ OFFICES, or in our wallets”, and then we watch her crumble

Tyranny Tuesday – The Two Sarahs, Part 2 Read More »

Tyranny Tuesday – The Agenda Is Revealed

From our February 6, 2018 Facebook Post: 😡 TYRANNY TUESDAY 😡 ⚠️ In case any of you doubt THEIR end goal, read their own words for yourself. “A MANDATE FOR SCHOOL ENTRY DOES NOT REMOVE YOUR CHOICE.” 🤦‍♂️That statement is so ludicrous, so ignorant, so short-sighted, so TELLING of who they are and how wildly

Tyranny Tuesday – The Agenda Is Revealed Read More »

Tyranny Tuesday – The Two Sarahs

From our February 6, 2018 Facebook Post: 😡 TYRANNY TUESDAY 😡 💁‍♀️Sarah Davis on the campaign trail: ✅ Personal freedom ✅ Personal responsibility ✅ Believes you know how to make the best decisions for your life ✅ No Nanny State! 🤦‍♀️Sarah Davis in Austin: 🚫 Government > the individual 🚫 Government is responsible for the

Tyranny Tuesday – The Two Sarahs Read More »

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